

When the students come to join medical faculty they have aspiration to gain full knowledge of human body which is given to them by this department. It is the department of Anatomy where students do live demonstration of surgery by means of dead body dissection. The department of Anatomy comprises of dissection hall, museum & classroom. There are no. of charts, models, specimens, bones & histology (tissues) slides for study of human anatomy. The departmental library has various reference books apart from central library collection.


The Physiology and biochemistry lab can accommodate students for various experiments. A no. of models & charts are displayed for students’ reference. As a part of curriculum students must perform certain hematology experiments. E.g. Hb estimation, CBC counts, etc. & biochemical tests e.g. abnormal constituents in urine for which regularly updated reagents & equipments are available. Techniques of measuring Blood pressure, taking ECG, BMR are taught. We have separate physiology & biochemistry labs with all equipments and facilities.


The department of Homoeopathic pharmacy lab is well equipped with all equipments according to NCH norms. The students are taught about preparation of medicines, methods of preparing mother tinctures & medicines by methods of trituration & potentization. The lab also has large number of charts, specimens & catalogues bearing short description of various sources of drugs. With few visits to renowned homoeopathic medicine manufacturing industries, the students are made aware of the method of large scale during production. The department has a Herbarium section. A departmental library ensures that students have access to relevant texts, reference books particularly in relation to pharmacy and Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeias. There is also Botanical garden in the campus.


The department of Organon of medicine with Homoeopathic philosophy instills the knowledge of philosophy of homoeopathy. The department ensures that students gain a sound comprehension of various principles laid down by the master Dr. Hahnemann. The association of philosophy into clinical practice is a demanding task which is fulfilled with the help of various descriptive clinical cases held weekly. The department gives a chance of open discussion to the students through tutorials and seminars. There is also a no. of charts depicting ideas that are central to Organon for easy comprehension of students. Students can also access departmental library with books related to philosophy for their quick reference.


Homoeopathy is a science & art; and Repertory is an artistic compilation of symptoms of the Homoeopathic materia medica arranged in such a way that they may be reproduced when required. The department of repertory imbibes an understanding of the subject, essential for appropriate employment of knowledge of materia medica in practice of homoeopathy. The department provides an access to various hardbound repertories of several authors as well as homoeopathic software for students’ reference. There is also a provision to watch case taking of OPD patients in real time for discussion on the said cases. This facility also allows discussion on observation made by students about patients from homoeopathic perspective.


Homoeopathic materia medica is the subject which is taught from first year to final year. Department aims at providing a sound knowledge of the effectiveness of homoeopathic drugs. Department has good no. of charts on display for students reference. Regular workshops are conducted for the students by the faculty for facilitating them to prescribe medicines correctly and effectively. Several subject books are available for reference in the adjoining departmental library.


Department of pathology is equipped with microscope, incubator, hot air oven & various chemicals. To understand pathology in a better way, gross specimens have been displayed & special equipments are used for teaching. It also has a large no. of charts, specimens & catalogues bearing short descriptions. A departmental library ensures that staff/students have an easy access to books.


The Forensic Medicine & Toxicology department has various specimens, weapons & charts on display at its museum. Apart from the above, students are supposed to visit the Forensic Science Laboratory, the mortuary for demonstration of post mortem procedures. Students can refer to the departmental library for books pertaining to forensic medicine & toxicology.


Department of Surgery offers a range of academic surgical programs, organized according to the prescribed curriculum & comprising of theory & clinical sections. Students are required to study cases of in house patients (pertaining to surgical procedures) & present the same for clinical cases. They learn to study, examine, analyze, investigate & diagnose cases in both IPD & OPD.


The Obstetrics & Gynaecology department imparts basic necessary training in the subject. Periodically there is case presentation of Gynaec. & Obs. OPD for clinical training of students. Students are taught how complete gynaecological examination is performed. As an intern, they are deputed to a local maternity center to learn clinical aspects.


This department provides a platform for clinical education at primary health care front. For better comprehension of the same there are various models, charts & specimens. Students are required to perform assisted educational visits to sewage treatment plant, dairy plant.


Department of Medicine inculcates clinical knowledge in students in various subjects like cardiology, dermatology, emergency, etc. Complete general & systemic examination of the patient is taught. Students are taught about X-ray, USG, and ECG in respect to normal & abnormal interpretation.